G20 summit in Rio: Taxing rich, Gaza-Ukraine wars on agenda


Yemen News Agency SABA
G20 summit in Rio: Taxing rich, Gaza-Ukraine wars on agenda
[25/ July/2024]
RIO DE JANEIRO July 25, 2024 (Saba) - The G20 finance ministers will hold a summit in Rio de Janeiro to discuss the idea of imposing taxes on the richest people, which is the subject of sharp disagreements among member states.

According to Agence France-Presse, the Brazilian presidency issued a statement in which it said that some members of the G20 “exchanged views” on the situation in Gaza and Ukraine during discussions related to the Hunger Initiative.

This initiative, which was pushed by Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Siva, whose country chaired the group this year, will be discussed during a meeting scheduled for Thursday.

"Some individuals control more resources than entire countries," Lula said during the launch of the "Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty" in Rio de Janeiro.

This initiative, which is the priority of the Brazilian G20 presidency, aims to bring together countries and international organizations to eliminate hunger in the world.

Lula added that billionaires should be taxed because “at the top of the pyramid, tax systems are no longer progressive, but regressive.”

A study published by Oxfam showed that the wealth of one percent of the world's richest people increased by a total of $42 trillion over the past decade, while the taxes imposed on them decreased to "historic levels."


resource : SABA