Australia imposes sanctions on settlers for engaging in violence against Palestinians

Yemen News Agency SABA
Australia imposes sanctions on settlers for engaging in violence against Palestinians
[25/ July/2024]
CANberra July 25. 2024 (Saba) - Thursday, Australia imposed financial sanctions and a travel ban on seven Zionist settlers and a “youth movement” affiliated with the Zionists, for their involvement in acts of violence against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wang said in a statement: The movement was responsible for inciting and committing violence against Palestinians, and settlers were involved in incidents of beating, sexual assault, torture, and in some cases murder.

Australia supports Palestine's full membership in the United Nations, and it also considers the occupation settlements established on the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967 to be illegal and an obstacle to "peace."

With the Zionist enemy continuing its aggression against Gaza Strip for about ten months, accompanied by the escalation of incursions and attacks on the West Bank, the isolation of this entity is increasing internationally, as the voices of many countries and officials have become louder against the genocide it is committing.

Countries, led by South Africa, filed a lawsuit before the International Court of Justice, to which other countries later joined, related to Israel committing genocide crimes in Gaza, and many countries’ investments with Zionist companies also stopped.


resource : SABA