Zionist enemy launches wide-scale arrest campaign in W Bank


Yemen News Agency SABA
Zionist enemy launches wide-scale arrest campaign in W Bank
[26/ July/2024]
RAMALLAH July 26. 2024 (Saba) - During a series of raids and incursions in the West Bank at dawn on Friday, Zionist enemy forces arrested several Palestinians, including children and women from the families of those wanted by the occupation, in an effort to pressure them into surrendering.

According to the Palestine Today Agency, the occupation forces stormed the city of Qalqilya and the town of Azzun "east," arresting ten citizens from the families of wanted resistance fighters.

Local sources reported that among those arrested were Ziad Daoud, the father of wanted Tariq Daoud, marking the twentieth time he has been detained to pressure his son into surrendering. Others arrested included Ayman Abu Al-Asal, the father of wanted Jibril Jibril, Mahmoud Khalil Abu Bakr, the father of wanted Ali Abu Bakr, and Ibrahim Abu Haniya, the father of wanted Jamal Abu Haniya.

In Azzun, the occupation forces arrested at least five citizens, including children, brothers, and sisters of wanted Muawiya Riyashi, to compel him to surrender.

In Nablus, the occupation forces stormed the eastern area of the city and arrested six citizens, five of whom were from Askar al-Jadeed camp, and a young man from al-Quds Street. Armed confrontations and clashes erupted in Askar camp, with resistance fighters targeting the invading forces with explosive devices.

In Jenin, the occupation forces conducted extensive raids and searches in the city and its camp outskirts, arresting at least three citizens amid confrontations and clashes. Local sources indicated that several young men were detained.

The occupation forces also arrested Shaher Siddiq Hussein Rahhal (60 years old) after storming his home in the town of Silat al-Dhahr, south of Jenin.

In related incidents, the occupation forces stormed the towns of Qaffin, Attil, Deir al-Ghusun, al-Jarushiya, and Shuweika suburb of Tulkarm last night, conducting combing and search operations, and seizing surveillance camera recordings from streets, neighborhoods, and shops without reporting any arrests.

In occupied al-Quds, the occupation forces stormed the town of al-Ram, north of al-Quds, at dawn on Friday, and raided the house of the martyr Muhammad Shihab, taking measurements in preparation for its demolition.

Shihab was responsible for a run-over operation near Ramla about two weeks ago, which injured four occupation soldiers, including one officer who was seriously injured.

resource : Saba