Abu Shaheen: PA's attempt to arrest Commander Abu Shujaa serves agenda of Zionist enemy


Yemen News Agency SABA
Abu Shaheen: PA's attempt to arrest Commander Abu Shujaa serves agenda of Zionist enemy
[26/ July/2024]

GAZA July 26. 2024 (Saba) - Sheikh Ali Abu Shaheen, a member of the PIJ's political bureau, said that the PA's attempt to arrest the commander of the Tulkarm Brigade – Al-Quds Brigades, Abu Shuja'a, serves the agenda of the Zionist enemy, which seeks to hunt down and liquidate the Palestinian mujahideen.

Sheikh Abu Shaheen said in a statement to Al-Jazeera on Friday: "The full reception of Commander Abu Shujaa in Nour Shams camp, and the people's orientation to Thabet Thabet Hospital to lift the siege on him, confirms the popular rally and the unified national position in support of the resistance in the West Bank, which means that the Palestinian Authority is putting itself in the face of its people."

"Islamic Jihad will not be drawn into side battles and will not deviate from fighting and confronting the Zionist enemy in all arenas," he said. He stressed that "the Palestinian people believe in resistance as the only way to confront the enemy and defeat it from our occupied lands."

Sheikh Abu Shaheen stressed by saying: "Today we are in dire need to unite efforts to confront the ongoing Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and Jerusalem, and to pressure the Palestinian Authority to restrain it from arresting resistance fighters, and to release the mujahideen detained in its prisons."


resource : Saba