Rallies in France denounce continued Zionist aggression on Gaza


Yemen News Agency SABA
Rallies in France denounce continued Zionist aggression on Gaza
[04/ August/2024]
PARIS August 04. 2024 (Saba): French activists on Saturday demonstrated in the capital Paris to denounce the recklessness of the Zionist enemy and its crossing of red points, and the French authorities allowed the license for the demonstration only after tightening security measures on the occasion of the Olympics.

French media said that French protesters are telling their government that honor is sacred to Muslims and Arabs, that Tehran and Beirut consider the Zionists' aggression an affront to the pride of the nation, and that the region would enter a stage that the West is not yet aware of.

Tariq al-Tokaberi, a rights activist, said the rally comes after the recent assassinations of Ismail Haniyah and Fouad Shukr.

"We cannot remain idle by ourselves." French protester, Abdullah Abdullah, said. "This is a diabolical system, and promotes all lies and misleading narratives."


resource : SABA