Qassam Battalions constantly deter Zionist troops with ambushes

Yemen News Agency SABA
Qassam Battalions constantly deter Zionist troops with ambushes
[07/ August/2024]
GAZA August 07. 2024 (Saba) -Al-Qassam Battalions, Hamas military wing, have constantly deterred Zionist troops, waiting in ambushes for enemy troops in many axes of Gaza Strip.

In separate releases, the Battalions late on Tuesday said the mujahedeen were engaged in fierce clashes with enemy troops, using explosive devices and antitank and antipersonnel shells and firing mortars at enemy gatherings.

The Battalions aired footages for mujahedeen waiting in ambush for enemy vehicles in 'George' Street, east Rafah City, where two 'Nimr' personnel carriers were damaged with Commando Action and Yaseen 105 shells.


resource : Saba