SNACC holds seminar over espionage network threats, aggression against Yemen

Yemen News Agency SABA
SNACC holds seminar over  espionage network threats, aggression against Yemen
[11/ August/2024]
SANA'A August 11. 2024 (Saba) – The Supreme National Anti-Corruption Commission, in partnership with the National Women's Committee, held on Sunday an awareness seminar focused on the dangers posed by the American and Zionist aggression against Yemen, in light of confessions from the American spy network.

Dr. Maryam al-Jawfi, a member of the Commission and Head of the Awareness Committee, opened the seminar by commending the security services for their successes in dismantling spy cells linked to American and Israeli intelligence.

Al-Jawfi emphasized the need for heightened awareness of the "soft war" being waged against Yemen, following the enemy's failure to break the Yemeni spirit in support of the Palestinian cause.

She discussed the longstanding impact of espionage on Yemen, which has targeted key sectors such as the economy, culture, society, politics, military, health, and education. She detailed the confessions of network members involved in espionage and sabotage activities against both official and unofficial institutions, providing vital information to the enemy.

During the seminar, Hanaa al-Mahdi from the National Women's Committee delivered a lecture on the revelations of Operation "al-Aqsa Flood," exposing the West's hypocrisy regarding freedom and human rights.

Al-Mahdi highlighted the West's complicit stance in the ongoing occupation of Palestine and praised the resistance's strong support for Gaza and the Palestinian cause.

The lecture also covered the atrocities committed by the Israeli enemy, with backing from the U.S. and Europe, against civilians, particularly women and children.

Al-Mahdi underscored the dangers of the spy network targeting Yemeni women, youth, society, and state institutions, calling for increased responsibility in confronting these threats.

resource : Saba