Yemeni military operations inflict heavy losses on Zionist enemy

Yemen News Agency SABA
Yemeni military operations inflict heavy losses on Zionist enemy
[11/ August/2024]
SANA'A August 11. 2024 (Saba) - The Yemeni military operations since Yemen entered the direct battle with the Zionist enemy supported by America and Europe following Operation "Noah's Flood" have resulted in major repercussions that have inflicted heavy economic losses on the enemy entity.

While the Zionist enemy is stubborn about the extent of the impact of the Yemeni armed forces qualitative operations on its economy, it continues its arrogance in committing crimes against the Palestinians in Gaza, disregarding the international humanitarian laws, norms and charters that it has disregarded.

The impact of the support operation on the Yemeni military front has reached the point of disrupting the shipping movement associated with the Israeli enemy.

According to the World Cargo website, which specializes in global shipping news, the economic impact of the armed forces' operations on shipping in the Red Sea has led to an 85 percent decrease in shipping volume, which means that the Israeli economy has been paralyzed.

Umm al-Rashrash port , called Eilat in Israel, is one of the strategic ports and the enemy entity's only outlet to the Red Sea and its gateway to Asia and the Far East.

It has been closed as a result of the Yemeni military operations supporting the Palestinians and their valiant resistance.

The continued support of the Yemeni armed forces for the Palestinian people by preventing ships linked to the Zionist entity from passing through the Red and Arabian Seas has prompted many international companies to stop their ships from passing through the Red Sea and change their destinations and routes, which has caused trips to be extended by two to three weeks, increased material costs, higher shipping prices, ship insurance costs, and disrupted deals and trade exchange operations.

Umm al-Rashrash Port, through which five percent of Israeli trade and 50 percent of vehicle trade pass, and handling operations reach two million and 100 thousand tons of dry goods, 70 thousand cars , 50 thousand containers annually, , Israel imports oil, wood, building materials and food through it, is now empty after declaring bankruptcy according to reports from specialized economic websites due to the lack of commercial activity in it.

Regardless of the strategic importance of the Palestinian port, which was occupied by the Zionist enemy in 1949 to receive ships coming from the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba, what strengthened its importance was the complicity of the Arab , Islamic regimes and governments that failed to stand by the Palestinian people.

The closure of the Palestinian port of Umm al-Rashrash, its complete cessation of work and its declaration of bankruptcy due to the inability of ships to reach it, according to the Israeli newspaper Maariv, as a result of the Yemeni military operations, is a message to the Zionist enemy that it must stop the extermination war it is committing in Gaza and the occupied territories.

Closing the waterways to the Zionist entity has become a religious necessity , a humanitarian and moral position in light of the massacres committed by this entity against the Palestinians in Gaza, their siege and starvation.

Free regimes and peoples must close the ports leading to Israel, through which American and European weapons enter and are used to kill Palestinians, including Ashdod and Haifa ports. Closing the port of Umm al-Rashrash reflects the capabilities possessed by the Yemeni armed forces, which enable them to prevent international shipping companies dealing with Israel from reaching the occupied Palestinian ports, especially after entering the fifth stage of escalation against the American, British and Israeli enemy, which will be more painful for the enemy entity.


resource : SABA