Change and construction... The battle of the new Yemeni government

Yemen News Agency SABA
Change and construction... The battle of the new Yemeni government
[13/ August/2024]
SANA'A August 13. 2024 (Saba) -The new Yemeni government faces enormous tasks in these sensitive circumstances that the country is going through, perhaps the most important of which is to focus on the reconstruction process and achieve radical change in all fields in a way that meets the desired aspirations and achieves, even if to a reasonable and acceptable extent, the hopes and wishes that citizens seek from this government.

The new government has a great legacy of tasks that it must deal with wisely and rationally, and to develop a road map for its course of action, determine the priorities that must be addressed and resolved, determine the course of its action after diagnosing the reality and what needs to be done, and determine the real beginnings of the implementation after identifying the kinks.

The aggression against the country throughout the years of war has left a disaster in the infrastructure after it destroyed and bombed the aggression and destroyed the most important economic assets, which places heavy burdens on the government of change and construction represented in determining the priorities that must be dealt with.

The economic aspect comes as an urgent priority for the government because the economy represents the backbone of life in any country and with it, the desired positive change occurs for any government if it deals with it seriously, wisely, and rationally because it is directly related to the living lives of citizens, and it is the building block of advancing the foundations of the state sought by the government of change.

Looking at the government formation, we see that it has included competencies from various regions and governorates of the Republic of Yemen, in a way that constitutes a real national partnership with young blood of competence and integrity in these difficult circumstances that the country is going through to arrange the internal situation, confront the aggression economically, politically and militarily, and achieve the desired change and construction.


resource : Saba