Settlers set fire to Palestinian agricultural land east Tulkarm

Yemen News Agency SABA
Settlers set fire to Palestinian agricultural land east Tulkarm
[15/ August/2024]
TULKARM August 15. 2024 (Saba) - Extremist settlers on Thursday set fire to Palestinian agricultural land in the Ramin plain area east of Tulkarm in the occupied West Bank.

According to the Palestinian news agency Wafa, residents of the town of Ramin said that settlers set fire to large areas of agricultural land in the plain planted with olive and fig trees, extending east towards the lands of Deir Sharaf, west of Nablus, burning dozens of trees.

They added that civil defense crews rushed to put out the fire alongside the citizens who were prevented by settlers from reaching their lands, beating and clashing with hands, and shot at them.

It is noteworthy that the settlers have recently escalated their repeated attacks against farmers in the town of Ramin and their lands, to force them to leave their land, under the pretext of establishing a colonial outpost on it.


resource : SABA