Foreign Policy: Israel is in dangerous decline in its strategy

Yemen News Agency SABA
Foreign Policy: Israel is in dangerous decline in its strategy
[16/ August/2024]
WASHINGTON August 16. 2024 (Saba) - Foreign Policy magazine confirmed on Friday that Israel is in serious trouble, against the backdrop of severe internal divisions experienced by settlers, and the failure to achieve the goals of the military campaign in the Gaza Strip, with the possibility of the war expanding.

Moreover, Israel's recent behavior has seriously damaged its global image and it has become a pariah through previously unimaginable means. More than ten months later, Israel's genocidal campaign against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, as well as worsening settler violence in the West Bank, have squandered that wave of global support.

Support in the United States for Israel's actions is declining sharply, and younger Americans (including many younger American Jews) oppose the Biden administration's complacency response to Israel's actions.

The so-called former deputy head of Israel's National Security Council, Eran Etzion, wrote in a post in "X" that "Israel" faces a strategic situation "dangerous multidimensional, there is a gap between reality and perception of reality, and between the Israeli public and most members of the government and the coalition, it is a huge and very dangerous gap."

Etzion noted that Netanyahu "seeks to ignite a full-scale regional war and force Iran to be dragged into it." He stressed that the US administration "has reached a historical weakness point as a result of the accumulation of operations and unfortunate circumstances."

Blaming Netanyahu ignores a deeper problem: The gradual erosion of Israel's strategic thinking "has taken place over the past fifty years." "Israel's achievements and tactical prowess during its first two decades tend to obscure the extent to which the key strategic choices it has made since 1967 have helped undermine its security."


resource : Saba