Government of Change & Construction.. Serious beginning to review institutional work and respond to citizens' expectations

Yemen News Agency SABA
Government of Change & Construction.. Serious beginning to review institutional work and respond to citizens' expectations
[17/ August/2024]
SANA'A August 17. 2024 (Saba) - The level, at which the formation of the Government of Change and Construction appeared, reflected the keenness of the revolutionary leadership and the Supreme Political Council to move forward in bringing about a real, radical change.

The birth of this government represents the first step on a path that will be completed only with a real and constructive change aimed to restructure state institutions and improve public services in line with people's aspirations for a decent life.

The declared cabinet, chaired by Ahmed Ghaleb Al-Rahwi, represented a transparent response to those who doubted the nature of this change, which the people of Yemen have long awaited to bring about development meeting their ambitions and alleviating their suffering.

In an initial look at the new cabinet composition, the extent of keenness to truly address government performance is clearly evident, starting with targeting institutional inflation (through which the government was reduced to 19 ministries, after there were more than 40 ministers). This represents a serious beginning to review government institutional work.

The process of merging ministries and reducing them to 19 ministerial portfolios represents a first step towards correcting imbalances and moving towards comprehensive local development that serves the citizen - first and foremost - who has withstood nearly ten years of American, Saudi and Emirati aggression and siege, and is still steadfast in confronting the forces of global hegemony and arrogance led by America, Britain and the Zionist entity.

The formation of the Government of Change and Construction came at the right time, and at the same time represents a popular demand to bring about the desired change that goes beyond the accumulations of aggression and siege, especially with regard to infrastructure and the difficult economic situation, which has exacerbated the suffering of millions of Yemenis, in their sources of livelihood and life in general.

This government faces many challenges requiring it to rise to the challenge of change and construction by implementing plans and programs that will improve the citizen's livelihood and maintain the cohesion of the internal front, in light of the conspiracies of the American, British and Israeli enemy.

This enemy is lurking for evil in the country, because of Yemen's principled and steadfast position at the Palestinian Cause, supporting Gaza and standing by the Palestinian people by all means.

By a preliminary reading of the titles of the ministries included in the Change and Construction Government, an observer concludes that one of the main goals of the government is to bring about comprehensive change that is not limited to the center, but rather targets even rural areas primarily, due to their importance in reducing internal migration and creating a stable and secure society that works to expand the process of production and local and community development.

It is useful to note that the birth of the Government of Change and Construction was not an easy matter, but rather required time to form it and choose its members carefully and accurately after a comprehensive review of the structures and systems of the government, its ministries and institutions, and to address ministerial inflation according to what the leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, spoke about in his speeches in this regard.

The Leader explained that the Government of Change and Construction represents the beginning to correction, and that the path of change on governmental side would continue even in the judiciary.

He underlined the need for the government to be given a room enough to move, perform its duties and implement its work, as it has large and numerous obligations in continuing reforms and correcting administrative affairs and its mechanisms in the field of public dealings and procedures.

He called for everyone to cooperate with the government, which will act with legal powers according to specific agenda and priorities, and in line with the circumstances and available capabilities.

"Whoever from the government team succeeds, they will find their success, and whoever appears to be unworthy and unable to bear responsibility will be changed," he added.

The Leader of the Revolution dotted the i's and crossed the t's regarding the success of the government, through cooperation between the government and the people, given its necessity in light of the difficult circumstances and the comprehensive war targeting the country, to correctly understand responsibility and integration of roles and to overcome selfishness and narrow personal, partisan and factional calculations.

"We must proceed from the standpoint of public responsibility," he said.

He stated that those who seek to obstruct the path of change are motivated by narrow personal, partisan and factional interests, and those who want good for their country and people will be keen to contribute positively and with a pure heart to the construction of the country.

Based on the above, the Government of Change and Construction must work in accordance with the general directions, national constants and studied practical programs, away from improvisation and randomness, begin implementing priorities related to improving the citizen's living conditions, ensure the cohesion of the internal front, and continue support for the Palestinian people and their Cause.


resource : Saba