Axios Biden aims for ceasefire in Gaza Strip by weekend

Yemen News Agency SABA
Axios Biden aims for ceasefire in Gaza Strip by weekend
[17/ August/2024]
WASHINGTON August 17. 2024 (Saba) - Axios revealed on Saturday, citing US officials, that President Joe Biden aims to reach a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and release prisoners by the end of next week.

Biden and his aides believe they are closer than ever to an agreement on a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the release of prisoners from the hands of Hamas, including citizens with US citizenship, the site stated.

For his part, a Zionist official said that his country "agreed to reduce the number of Palestinian prisoners whose release Israel can veto" in exchange for "increasing the number of prisoners who will be released every week during the first phase of the deal, which will last six weeks."

A U.S. official added: "We believe the package is ready for implementation."

A U.S. official acknowledged that the deal was "not perfect" but "the best possible deal right now that will lead to the release of prisoners, alleviate the suffering of the people of Gaza, and reduce the risk of regional war."

"If you keep negotiating for months and months and try to get the perfect deal, or even squeeze the last drop of blood out of stone, you risk having no prisoners left to save." The US official continued.

In parallel, Biden wants to prevent Iran and Lebanon's Hezbollah from "responding to Israel," which could hinder negotiation efforts on Gaza.


resource : Saba