Sand dune cultivation launced expansion in Abs, Hajjah

Yemen News Agency SABA
Sand dune cultivation launced expansion in Abs, Hajjah
[17/ August/2024]
HAJJAH August 17. 2024 (Saba) - The sand dune cultivation expansion project was launched in Abs District, Hajjah Governorate.

The project, which is implemented by the Abs Agricultural Cooperative Society in coordination with the Supreme Agricultural and Fisheries Committee and the local authority in the governorate, aims to cultivate the sand dunes in the district with grain crops.

At the launch, the two deputies of the governorate - the head of the Agricultural Committee in Hajjah, Ibrahim Amer, and the affairs of the Tihama Directorates, Abdul Karim Khamusi, explained the importance of taking advantage of the rainy season to expand the cultivation of desertified areas and sand dunes with grains and forestry to achieve self-sufficiency and food security.

They stressed the need to translate the directives of the wise revolutionary leadership to pay attention to the agricultural sector on the ground, and to work according to the drawn plans and programs of the agricultural cooperative societies, for which they were established.

resource : Saba