British diplomat resigns due to his country's continued collusion with Zionist entity

Yemen News Agency SABA
British diplomat resigns due to his country's continued collusion with Zionist entity
[17/ August/2024]
LONDON August 17. 2024 (Saba) - Mark Smith, head of the African Programs and Expertise Department at the British Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, has resigned from his position due to his country's government's continued collusion and sale of weapons to the Zionist entity, which is waging a brutal aggression on the Gaza Strip.

The British website "Middle East Monitor" reported that Smith submitted his resignation letter under the title of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office's complicity in Israeli war crimes, in which he said: "I can no longer perform my duties while I am aware that this ministry may be complicit in war crimes, as we witness every day clear examples of these crimes and violations of international humanitarian law in Gaza committed by Israel, whose credibility is beyond question."

“Senior members of the Israeli occupation government have openly expressed their intention to commit genocide, and videos show occupation soldiers deliberately burning, destroying and looting civilian property and openly admitting to raping and torturing prisoners.

Such actions, along with the displacement of more than 80 percent of the civilian population of Gaza, are war crimes,” Smith added, stressing that there is no justification for the continuation of British arms sales to “Israel” despite the fact that it continues in one way or another to commit more crimes.

Smith explained that “as an expert in the field of arms sales, I tried to express my concerns while in office, including through an official investigation into irregularities in arms sales to the Israeli entity, but my efforts did not result in anything,” stressing that ministers claim that Britain has one of the most robust and transparent arms export licensing systems in the world, but this is the opposite of the truth.

resource : Saba