The level of implementation of agricultural sector projects in Sana'a Governorate discussed

Yemen News Agency SABA
The level of implementation of agricultural sector projects in Sana'a Governorate discussed
[21/ August/2024]
SANA'A August 21. 2024 (Saba) - The committee in charge of following up on the implementation of projects in Sana'a Governorate discussed in its meeting on Wednesday, headed by the Secretary-General of the Local Council Abdul Qader Al-Jilani, the level of implementation of agricultural sector projects approved in the governorate's plan for the years 1444-1445 AH.

The meeting, which included the Governorate's Undersecretary for Technical Affairs, Eng. Saleh Al-Montaser, reviewed the level of implementation of the projects of the plan for the year 1444 AH, until the 16th of Safar.

The completion report, which was reviewed at the meeting, indicated that the completed projects of the plan amounted to 24 projects, out of a total of 29 projects, at one billion and 339 million and 510 thousand riyals, with a completion rate of 92%.

The level of implementation of the projects of the plan for the year 1445 AH was also reviewed, until the 16th of Safar, where one project was implemented, and 11 projects under implementation out of the total projects approved in the plan of 20 projects at an estimated cost of one billion, 185 million and 126 thousand riyals, with a completion rate of 31 percent.

The meeting touched on the difficulties faced in the implementation of agricultural sector projects, stressing the need to address these difficulties, to meet the aspirations of the local authority in promoting aspects of development in the governorate.

At the meeting, the Secretary General of the governorate stressed the importance of addressing the problems related to the development of development performance and working to complete the implementation of development plans in the governorate complete all documents for the implemented projects, and close them, during the specified periods.


resource : Saba