Doha negotiations lead to new American proposal does not meet demands to stop aggression on Gaza

Yemen News Agency SABA
Doha negotiations lead to new American proposal does not meet demands to stop aggression on Gaza
[22/ August/2024]
SANA'A August 22. 2024 (Saba) - Contrary to the optimism expressed by the administration of US President Joe Biden regarding the negotiations in the Qatari capital, Doha, to cease fire in Gaza Strip and exchange prisoners, describing these negotiations as "very fruitful" and one of the most constructive talks held by the parties in months, the Islamic Resistance Movement "Hamas", according to leadership sources, still sees the new American proposal as responding to the Zionist enemy conditions and in line with them.

The new round of negotiations for a ceasefire in Gaza and a prisoner exchange concluded in Doha on Friday.

At the end of the new round, the mediators announced the submission of a new proposal, which Hamas rejects and adheres to Biden's proposal, which was approved on July 2. At the end of the new round, an imminent meeting was announced in Cairo to discuss a ceasefire.

A joint statement by Qatar, the US and Egypt, at the end of Doha negotiations, said: The talks that took place over the past 48 hours in Doha "were serious , constructive and were conducted in a positive atmosphere.

The mediators' statement added: The technical teams will continue to work in the coming days on the details of implementation, including arrangements for implementing the comprehensive humanitarian aspects of the agreement, in addition to the aspects related to hostages and detainees.

He continued: "Senior officials from our governments will meet again in Cairo before the end of next week, hoping to reach an agreement according to the terms presented today."

The joint statement indicated that, as the three countries leaders stated last week, "There is no more time to waste and no excuses that can be accepted by any party to justify further delay... The time has come to release the hostages and detainees, initiate a ceasefire, and implement this agreement."

The statement stressed that the path is now "paved to achieve this result, save lives, provide relief to the Gaza people , and calm regional tensions."

However, the declared American optimism was met with an atmosphere of pessimism and distrust of the American, the actual partner in the aggression on the Gaza Strip by Hamas, especially with the American partner of the usurping entity adopting the Zionist conditions that Netanyahu added to the new agreement.

Following the announcement of the end of the round of negotiations in Doha, Reuters quoted Hamas leader Sami Abu Zuhri as saying: "The US administration is trying to spread false positive atmospheres" regarding the ceasefire agreement in Gaza. He explained that "Washington has no seriousness in stopping the war, but rather aims to buy time."

In contrast, the office of the Prime Minister of the Zionist enemy, Benjamin Netanyahu, announced in a statement on Friday that "Israel" hopes that pressure from international mediators and the United States will push "Hamas" to accept the ceasefire agreement in exchange for the release of the detainees, which was previously proposed on May 27.

Zionist officials also said that some progress was made during the talks in Doha, but they clarified that was done with the mediators, not "Hamas" movement, while "a Zionist mission remained working on the technical details" in Doha, and another mission is expected to leave for Cairo.

In other comments on the new developments, a leading source in the Islamic Resistance Movement "Hamas" said in a statement to Al Jazeera: "What we were informed about the results of the Doha meetings does not include commitment to what was agreed upon on July 2nd.

Al-Aqsa TV also quoted another source in Hamas movement as saying: "The movement is committed to the July 2nd proposal, and what reaches us through indirect means is less than the ceiling presented, and Hamas will not accept it."

Observers and political analysts believe that the recent talks are nothing but a continuation of what is described as the management of negotiations and repeated rounds that are useless and aim to contain the Iranian response to the assassination the head of the Islamic Resistance Movement "Hamas." These negotiations will not achieve a deal or stop the aggression on Gaza.

Observers and analysts also believe that the US's persistent efforts since the start of the negotiations are merely to buy more time and prevent the outbreak of war in the region, while Iran, Hezbollah and Yemen continue to threaten a harsh response to the recent assassinations carried out by the Zionist enemy, which assassinated Haniyeh and Hezbollah leader Fouad Shukr and targeted Hodeida port in Yemen.

In this context, writer and political analyst Faraj Shalhoub confirmed in statements reported by the Palestinian Media Center that the recent truce negotiations revealed a strong US desire to cool the intensity of the conflict between Iran and the Zionist entity against the backdrop of the assassination carried out by the Zionist enemy, and that Iran is still threatening a severe response, as are Lebanon and Yemen.

It is clear that the truce talks last Thursday were an American desire to cool the situation , set certain conditions and circumstances that make the Iranian response a difficult matter, as how can it go to a retaliatory response if there is a possibility of stopping the war in Gaza and for things to reach a situation that is desired and required by all the forces sympathetic to Gaza and its resistance.

Shalhoub pointed out that from an early stage there was a serious American political desire to open up to a solution, the goal of which was to cool the scene and put some obstacles in the way of any Iranian or resistance axis responses against the entity. Secondly, regarding American efforts that want to support "Israel" by mitigating the reactions that may be harsh or violent by Iran and its allies against "Israel" against the backdrop of the assassinations.

Regarding Hamas movement position on the truce talks and the American proposal, Shalhoub said: Hamas from the beginning expressed a responsible position of truth , also understands and reads the scene clearly when it did not go to this "farce" in the Thursday meeting, but it did not turn its back completely because it is concerned with any path that could result in relief for the people in Gaza, and therefore it did not go with a clear message that it did not swallow the bait and is not about to run after the American mirage that it has tried for many months.

He stressed that Hamas is at the same time in the box of flexibility and responsiveness to any real context that leads to stopping the war and concluding a real deal.


resource : SABA