6 people died, more than 430 houses destroyed due to torrential rains in Raymah


Yemen News Agency SABA
6 people died, more than 430 houses destroyed due to torrential rains in Raymah
[22/ August/2024]
RAYMAH August 22.2024 (Saba) - Six people died and more than 430 houses were demolished in Raymah governorate, some completely and partially, as a result of torrential rains flowing over many areas and villages in the governorate, during the past few days.

The deputy governor, Mohamed Murad, told the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) that six deaths were recorded, 430 houses were demolished at the level of villages, the districts were isolated, 45 roads were completely cut off, and large areas of agricultural land with their crops of coffee, mango, and corn were washed away as a result of the flowing torrents.

He said the province's emergency and disaster committee has begun inventory work and done what is necessary to open roads in coordination with the Roads and Bridges Corporation, the Cleanliness and Improvement Fund, and the Works Office, including the main line linking Rabat to the provincial center.

He said several water tanks in the province center were damaged. He urged the Supreme Council for the Management of Humanitarian Affairs branch to communicate with the concerned authorities and donor organizations to intervene urgently to overcome the scale of the disaster and alleviate the suffering of the affected families.

He called for concerted official and popular efforts, and the work of community initiatives to address the damage possible. He pointed out that the province lacks the necessary capabilities of equipment to face these disasters.


resource : Saba