Student stand in solidarity with Palestinian people, inauguration of Prophet's Birthday activities in Taiz

Yemen News Agency SABA
Student stand in solidarity with Palestinian people, inauguration of Prophet's Birthday activities in Taiz
[22/ August/2024]
TAIZ August 22.2024 (Saba) - Students of the College of Modern Yemen in Taiz Governorate organized on Thursday a student stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people to condemn the massacres committed by the Zionist enemy against the Palestinians, and to inaugurate the activities of the Prophet's birthday 1446 AH.

The students pointed to the persistence of the Zionist enemy, with American and European support, in targeting civilians, including children, women, the elderly, and even the displaced.

They considered this a flagrant violation of international and humanitarian laws, norms, and conventions, calling for an end to the crimes and arrogance of the Zionist enemy against the Palestinian people in Gaza and the occupied territories.

A statement issued by the stand stressed the continuation of support for the Palestinian people within the battle of "the promised conquest... and holy jihad", in defense of the sacred.


resource : Saba