Speech event at Al-Bayda University on Prophet’s birthday occasion


Yemen News Agency SABA
Speech event at Al-Bayda University on Prophet’s birthday occasion
[22/ August/2024]
BAYDA August 22. 2024 (Saba) - Al-Bayda University organized a speech and cultural event to launch the Prophet’s birthday anniversary activities - may the best prayers and peace be upon him and his family - for the year 1446 AH.

In the event, Al-Bayda Governor Abdullah Idris stressed the importance of reviving this religious occasion and adhering to what the Master of Creation Muhammad - may God bless him , his family and grant them peace - brought.. pointing to the implications of celebrating the Prophet’s birthday anniversary and the people close relationship of Yemen with the Great Messenger.

He urged the need to exploit the occasion for solidarity and compassion among members of society, to extend a helping hand to the needy , the poor, and to accompany this great occasion with acts of charity and benevolence.

The President of Al-Bayda University, Dr. Ahmed Al-Arami, stressed the importance of celebrating the anniversary of the Prophet's birthday; to express love and loyalty to the Great Messenger and his position in Yemenis hearts.

He pointed out that the occasion embodies the Yemenis' connection to the Great Messenger, who came to complete the noble morals.


resource : SABA