"Jihad" hails Hezbollah's attacking deep inside Zionist entity


Yemen News Agency SABA
[25/ August/2024]
GAZA August 25. 2024 (Saba) - The Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine on Sunday congratulated the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon, Hezbollah, on the attack it launched deep inside the usurping Zionist enemy entity, and its success in directing bold and courageous strikes, confirming its steadfastness in its positions and fulfilling its promise.

"These strikes confirmed that the Zionist enemy only understands the language of force, and is only deterred by strikes of the resistance and mujahedeen," the Movement said in a press statement according to the Palestine Today Agency.

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon had confirmed that it launched all the attacking drones at the times specified for them, and crossed the Lebanese-Palestinian border towards the desired target from multiple paths.

"Thus, our military operation for today has been completed and accomplished," Hezbollah said in a press statement.