UN report: 15,000 children suffer from acute malnutrition in Gaza


Yemen News Agency SABA
UN report: 15,000 children suffer from acute malnutrition in Gaza
[25/ August/2024]
NEW YORK August 25. 2024 (Saba) - About 15,000 Palestinian children suffer from acute malnutrition in Gaza, a UN report said on Sunday, after testing nearly 240,000 Palestinian children in the Strip since beginning of this year.

According to the Palestinian Information Center, the report (which was published by the “United Nations News” page on Saturday) showed that the examinations included children between ages of six months and five years in the besieged Gaza Strip, which has been targeted by continuous Zionist aggression since last October.

The UN report pointed out according to World Health Organization data, that among the approximately 14,750 children in Gaza, there are 3,288 children suffering from severe acute malnutrition.

In this context, the World Health Organization provides support to a center concerned with treating malnutrition at “Kamal Adwan Hospital” in the town of Beit Lahia, northern Gaza Strip.

This center is among four operational facilities concerned with treating malnutrition in the Strip and supported by the organization.

Severe malnutrition appears to be “normal” amid the starvation policy adopted by the Zionist enemy as part of the genocidal war it has been committing against Palestinians in Gaza Strip for more than ten months.

This is further exacerbated in the northern Gaza Strip, which is isolated from the southern and central Gaza Strip, where dozens of deaths have been recorded as a result of malnutrition, especially among children.