Palestinian injured in Zionist army attack

Yemen News Agency SABA
Palestinian injured in Zionist army attack
[25/ August/2024]
JERICHO August 25. 2024 (Saba) - A Palestinian on Sunday sustained injuries and bruises, after Zionist enemy soldiers beat him in the area of the Auja spring, north of the city of Jericho in the northern Jordan Valley.

According to the Palestinian news agency (Wafa), security sources said masked soldiers from the enemy army raided the area of Al-Auja waterfall, north of Jericho, kidnapped and severely assaulted Laith Owaina, which led to injuries and bruises, before leaving him near the Hamra military checkpoint in the Jordan Valley.

The sources added that the young man, a resident of the village of Battir, west of Bethlehem, was transferred to the Turkish Hospital in Tubas.