Discussing preparations for launching Prophet's birthday events in Khawlan District ,Sana'a


Yemen News Agency SABA
Discussing preparations for launching Prophet's birthday events in Khawlan District ,Sana'a
[25/ August/2024]
SANA'A August 25. 2024 (Saba) - A meeting organized on Sunday by the local authority in Khawlan District, Sana'a Province , discussed the final preparations for launching the program to commemorate the birth of the Prophet - may the best prayers and peace be upon him.

The meeting, chaired by the director of the district, Raad Al-Jamali, reviewed the ongoing preparations nature and the arrangement and preparation level to start implementing the events and activities related to the birth anniversary, according to the general plan program to celebrate this great anniversary.

Participants in the meeting pointed out the importance of commemorating this religious anniversary; embodying the faith-based connection to the Messenger of the Nation and continuing on his righteous path in defending the Islamic religion and triumphing for the Nation.

They stressed the need for cooperation, coordination and completion of arrangements to begin launching events , activities, and mobilization for the major central event, in a manner befitting the greatness and status of the Chosen Prophet and the Mercy Guided