Information Minister discusses ways to activate national media role in next phase

Yemen News Agency SABA
Information Minister  discusses ways to activate national media role in next phase
[25/ August/2024]
SANA'A August 25. 2024 (Saba) - A meeting in Sana'a headed by Information Minister Hashem Sharaf al-Din, discussed on Sunday ways to activate the media role in the next phase according to the program of the government of change and construction.

The meeting, which included the Information Ministry Undersecretaries Yahya Hamid , Hussein Muqbil, and heads of official media institutions, addressed the government's orientations to bring about a shift in the national media industry, keeping pace with media developments, and consolidating the faith identity in society to strengthen its connection to its authentic affiliation to Islam , its Arab Yemeni values, and raising the community awareness level in confronting misleading activities in various aspects and strengthening the positive relationship with society.

In the meeting, the Information Minister stressed the keenness to continue media work at an effective pace and to control and rationalize the media to be an effective national media, noting that a strategy has been developed to strengthen media work and prepare a phased plan during the year 1446 AH.

He said, "The government has raised the name of change and construction to be a slogan for the next stage, which requires strengthening positive relations to please God Almighty, and it is a responsibility we have borne within the framework of our faith, moral and humanitarian commitment towards the Yemenis who have endured hardships."

He added, "Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi devoted his speech to the government of change and construction, to form a media front that accommodates everyone, deals with people wisely, and protects society from misleading campaigns , rumors, and we will work seriously in this regard."

He pointed out the necessity for the relations between the official and private media to be positive, especially since everyone is not isolated from the other, but rather as one team, with consultation as the basis for media trends. He expressed his hope that the Information Ministry would be able to create a media citizen.

He said, "Today's media cannot confront misleading information and the news flow from hostile media alone. Rather, social media and interactive media have become an essential element in the media process, and the citizen has become a participant in creating the media message and not just a recipient, which imposes on us the commitment to creating this citizen and not just addressing him in a way that enhances the spread of the media message."

He explained that the media approach within the framework of administrative decentralization is to create a media team at the level of each district with community initiatives, in coordination with local authorities, to enhance the role of society in creating the message and media content.

He said, “Media that does not move the people is not media, but rather news transmission.”

The Information Minister concluded his speech by saying, "The goal of the government of change and construction within the framework of the faith identity is to create a societal renaissance, and this will not happen unless the media is directed, motivating and beneficial to the public and society in order to participate in the production and media message industry."

For his part, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Yemeni News Agency Saba - Editor-in-Chief Nasr al-Din Amer, stressed the keenness to continue media work with all credibility, dedication and sincerity, armed with faith and credibility, especially in a difficult and exceptional phase that the country is going through.

He pointed out that the agency's leadership will be a support to everyone in order to advance media work, in line with the program of the government of change and construction.

He said, "Everyone will be open to all the upcoming programs , plans that enhance change and construction for the better, and we are part of the positive movement to carry out our duties and tasks to the fullest extent."

Amer touched on the challenges facing the country in light of the enemies' lurking in the homeland, targeting the internal front, and directing the arrows of the media at the Yemenis, who today stand in an honorable position with the Palestinians, supporting their cause, and backing their resistance.

In turn, Ahmed Rasea, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Revolution Foundation for Press, Printing and Publishing, congratulated the Information Minister on the confidence of the revolutionary leadership and the Supreme Political Council in assuming the Ministry of Information portfolio.

In the meeting attended by the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Yemeni News Agency Saba - Deputy Editor-in-Chief Mohammed Abdul Quddus Al-Sharai, Financial , Commercial Affairs Hamoud Al-Hashf and a number of heads of satellite channel sectors, the Director General of the Yemeni Radio and Television Corporation Abdulrahman Al-Ahnomi stressed the keenness to support the efforts of the leadership of the Information Ministry to improve the reality of media institutions and develop their policies and work plan.

He reviewed the media plans of the official national satellite channels and their various programs, the mechanism of work in them, the performance level of employees and the difficulties they face under the current circumstances.

resource : SABA