Opposing aggression parties & forces bless Hezbollah's operations against Zionist enemy


Yemen News Agency SABA
Opposing aggression parties & forces  bless Hezbollah's operations against Zionist enemy
[25/ August/2024]
SANA'A August 25. 2024 (Saba) - The parties alliance and political forces opposing aggression blessed Hezbollah's qualitative military operations against the bases and sites of the Zionist enemy army deep inside the occupied territories , targeting one of the vital and sensitive sites.

The parties alliance explained in a statement received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) that the success of these precise strategic operations confirms the credibility and loyalty to the pledge made by the Master of Resistance, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, as a first stage in the response to the crime of the Zionist enemy represented by targeting Commander Fouad Shukr.

The statement expressed the aspiration of the forces and resistance axis masses to what the coming stages will bring from the various countries and forces of the operations axis based on equations of superiority and excellence that will represent the nation salvation from this usurping entity and its supporters led by America and the West.