Injuries, arrests in attack by settlers & enemy forces on village of South Al Khalil

Yemen News Agency SABA
Injuries, arrests in attack by settlers & enemy forces on village of South Al Khalil
[25/ August/2024]
AL KHALIL August 25. 2024 (Saba) - Many Palestinian civilians were injured and others were arrested, on Sunday evening, in an attack by settlers and Zionist enemy forces on the village of Al-Buwaib in Masafer Yatta, south of Al Khalil.

According to local sources, a group of armed settlers, under the protection of the enemy forces, tried to steal sheep from the village of Al-Buwaib, and when the residents confronted them, the settlers attacked them with stones and batons, which led to the injury of six citizens with injuries and bruises, three of whom were arrested by the enemy forces and transported by a Zionist ambulance, while the other injured were transferred to Yatta Governmental Hospital.

The sources added that the settlers and enemy soldiers also arrested nine citizens from the village, from the families of Al-Mahani and Daajneh, who were taken after the attack to the settlement of "Bani Khaifer" built on citizens' land east of Yatta, and the settlers seized an agricultural tractor belonging to the citizen Izzat Daajneh.