Largest global student network launched to support Palestinian cause

Yemen News Agency SABA
Largest global student network launched to support Palestinian cause
[26/ August/2024]
NEW YORK August 26. 2024 (Saba) - Student activists, organizations and student unions in New York City launched the largest global student movement network for Palestine (GSPN), to include hundreds of student teams from various universities around the world, starting from America and Europe, reaching Africa and a number of Arab and Islamic countries.

The Iranian News Agency, IRNA, reported on Monday that the establishment and launch of the "Global Student Network for Palestine (GSPN)" came in response to the growing international movement in support of Palestine and in order to stop the war of genocide, and work to boycott Israeli investments in universities.

In its launch statement, the network announced that it provides a safe and reliable platform for student activists to exchange strategies, share experiences and enhance global cooperation, thus representing a vital resource supporting activists.