Gaza districts' chiefs warns of ecological disaster due to piled wastes, spread sewage

Yemen News Agency SABA
Gaza districts' chiefs warns of ecological disaster due to piled wastes, spread sewage
[26/ August/2024]
GAZA August 26. 2024 (Saba) - Chiefs of Gaza Strip's northern districts on Monday held an international conference to warn of a lomming environmental disaster experienced by the locals amid piles of garbage and spread of sewage, and to call for international support to avoid the catastrophe.

"The conference is aimed to manifest the damages and humanitarian crisis lived by Gaza Strip, the northern districts in particular," the districts' coordinator said in exclusive remarks to Saba News Agency on the sidelines of the conference.

This is a disaster area, where the Zionist occupier destroyed over 200,000 meters of sewage systems, 100,000 meters of water networks and more than 35 water wells, coupled with piles of over 60,000 tons of hard waste in front of shelters, Nagy Sarhan added.

"All these led to the spread of diseases among the people," he told Saba, noting that, with their machines and offices damaged, the district local authorities are now working at the minimal of their capacities.

The conference is meant to appeal to international intervention in order to supply the local authorities with fuel (needed to operate) and to provide more machines needed to remove piled waste, repair water and sewage systems and to restore wells, he said.

"We're in desperate need for international support for these districts, and for an end to this devastating war that destroyed the humans, plants and every feature of life."

By: Nidhal Abu Mustafa