Rights group calls for probe into Zionist attacks on health workers in Gaza


Yemen News Agency SABA
Rights group calls for probe into Zionist attacks on health workers in Gaza
[26/ August/2024]
NEW YORK August 26. 2024 (Saba) - Human Rights Watch on Monday called of the International Criminal Court to investigate the Zionist attacks on health workers in Gaza.

According to the Ma'an news agency, the rights group said in a report that the Zionist army has arbitrarily detained Palestinians working in health care in Gaza since last October, deported them to prisons, tortured and mistreated them.

The group added that the detention of medical staff in the context of repeated Zionist attacks on hospitals in Gaza contributes to the catastrophic deterioration of healthcare system in the besieged strip.

It drew attention to the testimonies of released doctors, nurses and paramedics, who spoke about ill-treatment in Zionist prisons, including humiliation, beatings, in addition to being subjected to torture, and the poor conditions of detention for all prisoners.

"The Zionist government continues to mistreat Palestinian medical staff in Gaza and must stop this immediately," Human Rights Watch said.