Quds Brigades tackle Zionist offensive on WB camps


Yemen News Agency SABA
Quds Brigades tackle Zionist offensive on WB camps
[28/ August/2024]
RAMALLAH August 28. 2024 (Saba) - Quds Brigades mujahedeen are confronting the Zionist enemy assaults targeting camps in the West Bank, the Islamic Jihad Movement's military wing said on Wednesday, stressing on their right to resisting the occupier, as part of the 'Terror of Camps' battle.

After its failure during ten months of confrontations with the resistance in Gaza and the West Bank, the "occupier's army mobilized troops in search for a formalist victory," the Brigades' Jenin Battalion said in a statement, as the mujahedeen will show the enemy troops real terror and hell.

In a separate statement, the Brigades' Tulkarm Battalion said the mujahedeen detonated an explosive device at an Israeli military bulldozer in Nablus Street, delivering direct blow to its crew.

The Battalion also downed a Zionist drone in Manshiyah axis, and targeted enemy snipers positioned inside a house in Noor Shams Camp.

The Brigades' Nablus Battalion said its fighters engaged in fierce clashes with enemy troops in Balata Camp, and intensely fired bullets at other troops in different fighting fronts.