Amnesty International calls on EU not to invest in Zionist settlements

Yemen News Agency SABA
Amnesty International calls on EU not to invest in Zionist settlements
[28/ August/2024]
LONDON August 28. 2024 (Saba) - Amnesty International, in a letter to the European Union's foreign policy representative, Josep Borrell, called on the EU countries not to supply the Zionist entity with weapons and not to invest in settlements in the Palestinian territories.

The human rights organization urged the European Union in a statement on Wednesday, not to invest or trade with the Zionist settlements in the "occupied Palestinian territories", which the International Court of Justice in The Hague deemed illegal, in a recently issued advisory opinion.

Amnesty International's call to tighten the European Union's policy comes before the meeting of the European Union's foreign ministers in Brussels, to discuss the war in Gaza.

In the letter to Borrell, the organization also called on the European Commission to review the partnership agreement between the European Union and "Israel", in terms of its compatibility with human rights obligations.