Beijing calls on Washington to stop colluding with Taiwan, stop spreading lies about it

Yemen News Agency SABA
Beijing calls on Washington to stop colluding with Taiwan, stop spreading lies about it
[29/ August/2024]
BEIJING August 29. 2024 (Saba) - The Chinese Ministry of Defense announced that Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China, Zhang Yuxia, stressed to US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan that Washington must stop "military collusion" with Taiwan.

According to a statement by the ministry regarding the talks held in Beijing on Thursday, Zhang told Sullivan: China demands that the United States stop "military collusion with and arming Taiwan", and "stop spreading false narratives related to Taiwan."

Zhang called on the United States to correct its strategic understanding of China, return to a rational and practical policy towards it, and respect its core interests.

Zhang stressed that the Taiwan issue is "the core of China's core interests," "the foundation of the political basis of Sino-US relations," and "the first red line that cannot be crossed in these relations."