Popular Front praises heroic "Tarqumiya" operation


Yemen News Agency SABA
Popular Front praises heroic
[01/ September/2024]
GAZA September 01. 2024 (Saba) - The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine praised the heroic and qualitative operation near Tarqumiya, west of the occupied city of Hebron, which led to the deaths and injuries of the Zionist enemy's soldiers and settlers.

The Front confirmed in a statement on Sunday, that this operation comes as a legitimate response to the escalating Zionist crimes, the broad brutal campaign targeting the cities of the northern occupied West Bank, and the decisions to forcibly displace the residents there.

It stressed that "this operation sends a strong message to the Zionist enemy that the train of fedayeen operations is moving relentlessly and no one will be able to stop it, and it confirms that the resistance is continuing its qualitative operations throughout the West Bank."