"Jihad praises resistance's steadfastness in occupied West Bank


Yemen News Agency SABA
[01/ September/2024]
GAZA September 01. 2024 (Saba)- The Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine blessed, on Sunday, the steadfastness of the resistance fighters in the occupied West Bank in the Zionist aggression's face.

According to Palestine Today, the movement said in a press statement: "What the enemy is tasting from the strength mujahideen in Hebron, Jenin and other areas of the West Bank is a message to the enemy that the Palestinians will fail their criminal aggression and drop their goals."

It added: "In the face of the enemy's persistent aggression against the Palestinian people, we condemn the Arab and international silence and the complicity of the US administration, which provides cover for the aggression in the West Bank as well as in Gaza."

On Sunday morning, three enemy soldiers were killed in a shooting attack near Tarqumiya, west of Hebron, in the occupied West Bank.