Mohammed Abu Afsh to Saba: Rehabilitation Al-Shifa Medical Complex restores life to Gaza Strip

Yemen News Agency SABA
Mohammed Abu Afsh to Saba: Rehabilitation Al-Shifa Medical Complex restores life to Gaza Strip
[01/ September/2024]
GAZA September 01. 2024 (Saba)- The Ministry of Health in Gaza has restored and reopened the emergency department at Al-Shifa Medical Complex, west Gaza City, due to the necessary need for the hospital despite the ongoing war and the scarcity of medicines and equipment.

The Director of Medical Relief in Gaza Strip, Dr. Mohammed Abu Afsh, told the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) on Sunday, on the sidelines of the restoration and reopening of the emergency department at Al-Shifa Medical Complex: "The restoration of Al-Shifa Hospital restores life to Gaza City and Gaza Strip, this large hospital that includes all specialties."

"God willing, we can complete this great journey by bringing Al-Shifa Hospital back to Gaza City, because without Al-Shifa, there is no healing for the people of Gaza or Gaza city."

Dr. Abu Afash concluded his speech by saying: "Of course, you know that the medical capabilities are simple, especially after the destruction of all the hospital's property and equipment, but we are working hard with our brothers in the Ministry of Health and international institutions to establish new laboratories or departments and bring the necessary equipment so that we can provide a complete and integrated health service within Al-Shifa Medical Complex."