Dhamar: distribution of aid to flood victims in Wusab al-Safil


Yemen News Agency SABA
Dhamar: distribution of aid to flood victims in Wusab al-Safil
[01/ September/2024]
DHAMAR September 01. 2024 (Saba) – The Supreme Council for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, supported by the Building Foundation for Development, began on Sunday distributing relief aid in Bani Musa and Wadi al-Khashab districts of Wusab al-Safil district.

The aid includes food, transitional, and hygiene supplies.

Branch council director Muneer al-Marwani emphasized the critical importance of this aid in alleviating the suffering of flood-affected residents and praised the foundation's emergency response efforts.

He highlighted the need for continued support from authorities and organizations.

Wusab al-Safil district director Foud al-Qudaimi reported extensive damage from the floods, including fatalities, injuries, destroyed homes and shops, damaged infrastructure, and interrupted road networks.

Building Foundation Development's coordinator Dr. Ibrahim al-Muwshki noted that the aid is part of a Rapid Response Project (RRM) funded by the United Nations Population Fund.

Today’s distribution includes 250 relief bags, adding to the 800 distributed earlier in the rainy season, he said.