Yemen.. A firm principled position on the Palestinian cause and bitter Arab inaction

Yemen News Agency SABA
Yemen.. A firm principled position on the Palestinian cause and bitter Arab inaction
[02/ September/2024]

SANA'A September 02. 2024 (Saba) - The principled and firm Yemeni position on the Palestinian cause in general and the invasion of the Zionist gangs into the Gaza Strip in particular stems from faith, moral and humanitarian constants, this position is not a temporary tactic, but a fixed and permanent strategy that has withstood the circumstances, events and rapid international changes.

The popular demonstrations in Al-Sabeen Square are a victory for Gaza and Al-Aqsa, for the forty-seventh week in a row, in addition to the popular demonstrations in all governorates, all of which come as an affirmation of the stability of the Yemeni principled position in support of the Palestinian people and their just cause and as the least duty to support the Palestinian people and their just cause, which was conspired by the Arab regimes first and then the colonial powers in Europe and America second.

Several Arab regimes have exaggerated their stand against the Palestinian cause, gone further and fallen into the arms of the Zionist entity and America by signing humiliating and humiliating normalization agreements against them as regimes, and recorded a black position that will be immortalized in Arab history for future generations as a shameful position.

The American-British colonialism and the agents of the Zionist Mossad succeeded in destroying the Arab regimes from within and domesticating them, especially in the Gulf countries, where the financial weight that should have been used for the benefit and support of the Palestinian cause, but the reality of the situation revealed that these regimes did not have their own independent national decision, and that they were systems managed by remote control to serve the Zionist entity.

American, European and Zionist intelligence was able to neutralize and remove the most powerful Arab armies from the battlefield with the occupation entity, where the Iraqi and Syrian armies were destroyed and the Egyptian and Jordanian armies were domesticated as armies in contact with the occupation entity, and the intelligence services proved those puppet regimes to serve the interests of colonialism and the Zionist entity.

A bitter reality that the Arab nation has been living for decades, in which all the elements of free life have been destroyed, a reality that will leave its bad effects on successive Arab generations who will grow in light of such a bitter reality from which the nation will not wake up in the foreseeable future.

The grievances of the Palestinian people have found support in the countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America, where millions have come out and continue to support the Palestinian cause, condemn the crimes of the occupation and its supporters, and expose the policy of double standards pursued by the United States of America and Western European countries.