UN Commissioner: 70% of UNRWA schools in Gaza destroyed


Yemen News Agency SABA
UN Commissioner: 70% of UNRWA schools in Gaza destroyed
[02/ September/2024]
NEW YORK September 02. 2024 (Saba) - The Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), Philippe Lazzarini, announced on Monday, that more than 70% of the agency's schools in Gaza have been destroyed or damaged as a result of the Zionist aggression.

According to the Ma'an News Agency, Lazzarini said, in a post on the "X" platform, that the majority of UNRWA schools have become shelters crowded with hundreds of thousands of displaced families and cannot be used for education.

He added: More than 600,000 children in Gaza, half of whom were in UNRWA schools, are suffering from severe trauma and living under the rubble, deprived of education.