Amnesty International calls for Inte'l investigation into Israeli war crimes in Gaza

Yemen News Agency SABA
Amnesty International calls for Inte'l investigation into Israeli war crimes in Gaza
[05/ September/2024]
GAZA September 05. 2024 (Saba) - Amnesty International has called for a global investigation into alleged war crimes committed by the Israeli military in the Gaza Strip.

The organization accuses the Israeli forces of unjustifiably destroying entire neighborhoods along the Gaza border in an effort to establish a buffer zone.

In a report released on Thursday, Amnesty International describes the use of bulldozers and explosives by the Israeli army to demolish agricultural lands and civilian structures, including homes, schools, and mosques.

The report states that from October 2023 to May 2024, more than 90 percent of buildings within a border zone of 1 to 1.8 kilometers were either destroyed or severely damaged, and 59 percent of agricultural crops were affected.

This destruction has impacted approximately 58 square kilometers, or nearly 16 percent of Gaza.

Amnesty’s investigation found that the demolition of buildings in the four areas examined was conducted deliberately and systematically by the Israeli military, without any direct engagement with Hamas fighters.

Erika Guevara-Ross, Amnesty International's Director General, condemned the ongoing destruction, labeling it as "unjustified" and asserting that the creation of a buffer zone should not equate to collective punishment of the Palestinian civilian population.