American newspaper: Pentagon's 2025 budget will be $833 billion

Yemen News Agency SABA
American newspaper: Pentagon's 2025 budget will be $833 billion
[05/ September/2024]
WASHUNGTON September 05. 2024 (Saba)- US Congressman Rob Wittman confirmed today, Thursday, that the Council will settle on an amount of $ 833 billion for fiscal year 2025, but due to the upcoming presidential elections, the budget is expected to be delayed, so lawmakers are preparing to extend the budget for the current year 2024.

The American newspaper "Defense News" website, which specializes in military affairs, quoted Whitman as saying in a report: "This means that the budget will not be passed before the start of the new fiscal year on October 1, so Congress will temporarily fund the Department of Defense at 2024 budget levels for an indefinite period."

The report explained that "Pentagon officials indicated that another supplemental funding package will be necessary if wars in Europe and the Middle East continue, as Congress approved a $95 billion supplemental package earlier this year to fund weapons for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan and support security needs in the Indo-Pacific."

The report emphasized that this massive spending on weapons and wars from the pockets of taxpayers comes at the expense of the services and care that citizens need, reflecting a dysfunctional process of distributing the budget between the various ministries fairly.