Rural Water Projects Authority Branch in Dhamar distributes aid to affected people in Wusab As-Safil

Yemen News Agency SABA
Rural Water Projects Authority Branch in Dhamar distributes aid to affected people in Wusab As-Safil
[05/ September/2024]
DHAMAR September 05. 2024 (Saba) - The branch of the Public Authority for Rural Water Projects in Dhamar Governorate distributed relief aid to 138 families affected by the torrential rains in the areas of Al-Hasab, the district of Wadi Al-Khashab and Al-Jurf, the district of Bani Musa Mikhlaf Qwair, Wusab As-Safil District, funded by UNICEF.

During the distribution, the director of the directorate, Fouad Al-Qudaimi, praised the efforts of the Rural Water Authority branch in providing emergency humanitarian assistance, especially during the situation in which villages and population centers suffer from a number of challenges, most notably the bulldozing and backfilling of water wells as a result of floods, road interruptions, and the failure of basic materials to reach citizens in the affected villages.

Engineer Mohammed al-Qawsi, director of the branch of the General Authority for Rural Water Projects, explained that the aid includes family bags, cleaning tools, water sterilization, water tanks as drinking water points, and water purification filters.

He pointed out that the relief operations come within the framework of efforts to mitigate the effects of the humanitarian disaster that hit the region last Friday evening, which killed more than 30 people, including children and women.

Al-Qawsi pointed out that the support comes as an urgent and emergency intervention to relief the afflicted in the areas affected by the floods, and as part of the efforts made by the authority and UNICEF to secure the needs of citizens of clean drinking water.