Efforts to open damaged roads in Wusab As-Safil in Dhamar continue


Yemen News Agency SABA
Efforts to open damaged roads in Wusab As-Safil in Dhamar continue
[05/ September/2024]
DHAMAR September 05. 2024 (Saba) - Units from the Fourth Military Region, in coordination with the leadership of the local authority and the concerned authorities, continue to open roads, rehabilitate buried drinking water wells, and remove the damage of torrential rains that witnessed the Al-Hassab area in the isolation of Wadi Al-Khashab in the Wessab Al-Safil district, Dhamar Governorate.

The director of the Wessab al-Safil district, Fouad al-Qudaimi, explained that members of the 111th Infantry Brigade of the Fourth Military Region are making efforts to open the roads of the stricken villages, to facilitate the delivery of services, and to remove rubble and waste from handmade drinking water wells that were buried by floods in the areas of "Al-Manakh, Al-Hijriya, Haij Al-Maghreb, Al-Basins, Zureija, Al-Jarrah, Al-Lakima, Al-Hassab and Al-Khudaid".

He pointed out that the area has been subjected to many losses in lives, property and roads, as a result of heavy rains and torrential torrents. He pointed to the continuation of relief efforts and mitigation of the damage caused by the floods in the region