Events & evenings commemorate Prophet's birthday in Hajjah

Yemen News Agency SABA
Events & evenings commemorate  Prophet's birthday in Hajjah
[06/ September/2024]
HAJJAH September 06. 2024 (Saba)-Cultural events and evenings were organized in the districts of Hajjah province to commemorate the Prophet Muhammad's birthday (peace be upon him and his family).

Organized by the branches of the Supreme Council for Humanitarian Affairs in Kishr and Wadra and the Office of Economy, Industry and Investment in Aflah al-Sham, the events stressed the importance of commemorating the Prophet's birthday (peace be upon him and his family) to revive the values and morals of the Prophet, which will achieve victory and empowerment over the enemies.

At events organized by the local council in Qafal Shammar, Weshha schools, Al-Hizam area in Bani Ma'az in the district, Al-Jamimah security and Shiras district, speeches emphasized the importance of commemorating the birth anniversary of the best of the wild, who brought people out of the darkness of ignorance to the light of guidance, and illuminated the eastern and western parts of the earth.

Speeches at Bait al-Salami in Bani al-Awam and Bani Dawood Police Station in Kishr reviewed stages of the Prophet's biography, aspects of his life, and the importance of drawing lessons from his courage in confronting the age tyrants.

They emphasized the importance of returning to God and adhering to the Muhammadan approach, the approach of the Household of the Prophet and the flags of guidance in confronting the forces of global oppression, and seizing the solemn religious occasion to strengthen the bond with the Holy Prophet and follow his example in word and deed.