Foreign activist killed by Israeli Gunfire in Nablus's Beita

Yemen News Agency SABA
Foreign activist killed by Israeli Gunfire in Nablus's Beita
[06/ September/2024]
OCCUPIED AL-QUDS September 06. 2024 (Saba) - A foreign activist was fatally shot in the head by Israeli forces on Friday in the town of Beita, southern Nablus, in the occupied West Bank.

The incident occurred during the weekly anti-settlement protest in Beita.

Medical sources reported that the activist, who was of Turkish origin and held American citizenship, was killed by live ammunition.

Additionally, an 18-year-old man was injured by shrapnel in the thigh.

Local sources described how the Occupation forces suppressed the protest with live bullets, sound bombs, and tear gas, resulting in the activist’s death.

The activist was volunteering with "Faz'a" campaign, which supports and protects Palestinian farmers from violations by Israeli forces and settlers.