Zionist entity renews air & artillery bombardment of southern Lebanon


Yemen News Agency SABA
Zionist entity renews air & artillery bombardment of southern Lebanon
[06/ September/2024]
BEIRUT September 06. 2024 (Saba)- The Zionist enemy army renewed its aerial and artillery shell on the southern Lebanon villages and towns.

Lebanese sources reported on Friday that Zionist drones targeted the forested area between Aytaroun and Maroun al-Ras, as well as a house in the town of al-Dahira in the western sector south Lebanon.

The area between Tel Nahas and Hamas was also shelled with phosphorus shells, which caused a fire.

Last night, the Zionist air force launched airstrikes targeting the towns of Blida, Ayta al-Shaab and Marwahin.

The Zionist entity continues to escalate its attacks on towns and villages in southern Lebanon, in conjunction with its aggression on Gaza Strip since October 7.