Belarusian Foreign Ministry summons Japan's ambassador over espionage activity

Yemen News Agency SABA
Belarusian Foreign Ministry summons Japan's ambassador over espionage activity
[06/ September/2024]

MINSK September 06. 2024 (Saba) -The Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Friday that the Japanese ambassador in Minsk, Hiroyuki Yamamoto, was summoned to the ministry's headquarters to protest against espionage activities carried out by a Japanese citizen in Belarus.

The press office of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry stated that it summoned the Japanese ambassador to protest espionage activity on Belarusian territory, which has damaged state security.

The Belarusian news agency, Belta, previously reported the arrest of a Japanese man. He was charged with illegally gathering intelligence on the situation in Belarus, the progress of China's "One Belt One Road" project, as well as the movements of troops and military equipment, and the situation in the southern direction and along the border with Ukraine.

Belarusian television said the detainee worked as a Japanese teacher at a Belarusian university and filmed Belarusian military sites.