Hamas: Prisoners humiliation in Megiddo Prison is expression of hatred & sadism


Yemen News Agency SABA
Hamas: Prisoners humiliation in Megiddo Prison is expression of hatred & sadism
[06/ September/2024]
RAMALLAH September 06. 2024 (Saba)- The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas emphasized that the humiliation of Palestinian prisoners in Megiddo Prison and the use of police dogs to humiliate and intimidate them is "an expression of the hatred and sadism level that the Zionist jailers carry towards Palestinian prisoners."

Hamas said in a statement on Friday evening that these violations express the ugliness of the measures practiced against the prisoners, which were approved by the extremist minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.

It pointed out that these crimes come within the framework of the enemy's brutal practices against prisoners in prisons, including torture, abuse, starvation, deliberate medical neglect, and all human rights denial , until the number of martyred prisoners exceeded sixty martyrs, who died under neglect and torture.

Hamas called on international human rights organizations and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to document these practices and other horrific crimes committed against Palestinian prisoners, and to take urgent action to pressure the enemy government and its president to stop its flagrant violations of international laws regarding prisoners, and to hold occupation leaders accountable for their ongoing crimes.

Leaked footage from Megiddo Prison, in the Marj Bani Amer area, north of the occupied Palestinian territories (48 areas), showed Zionist enemy forces abusing Palestinian prisoners and terrorizing them with sniffer dogs.

The video showed dozens of prisoners lying on the ground with their hands tied behind their backs, lying on their stomachs, some of them without clothes, while Zionist security personnel terrorized them with dogs.