Injuries, arrests as Israeli forces storm into occupied West Bank

Yemen News Agency SABA
Injuries, arrests as Israeli forces storm into occupied West Bank
[07/ September/2024]
RAMALLAH September 07. 2024 (Saba) - The Zionist army At dawn on Saturday stormed different areas in the occupied West Bank, wounding a young man with bullets and others with suffocation and arresting four citizens.

According to the "Palestine Today" news agency, the enemy forces stormed several neighborhoods in the town of Beitunia, west of Ramallah, and carried out raids and searches of citizens' homes, which led to the outbreak of clashes.

Enemy forces fired live bullets, stun grenades and tear gas, wounding a young man with bullets in the hand and others with suffocation.

Enemy forces arrested a young man from Ramallah after he was arrested at a flying checkpoint near Jericho.

In Hebron, enemy forces arrested two young men in their twenties, after stopping their vehicle at the junction leading to al-Fawwar refugee camp and the town of Dura.

The arrests affected the town of Qussin, west of Nablus, where the enemy forces arrested a young man, after raiding his house and tampering with its contents.

Raids and searches were carried out in other areas but no arrests were reported.