President Al-Mashat condoles Sheikh Hussein Ali Al-Humayqani's death

Yemen News Agency SABA
President Al-Mashat condoles Sheikh Hussein Ali Al-Humayqani's death
[09/ September/2024]
His Excellency Field Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, Head of the Supreme Political Council, sent a cable of condolences on Sheikh Hussein Ali Mansur Al-Humayqani, death after giving life.

In the cable, which he sent to the deceased's son Hamid, his brothers, and the Undersecretary of Al-Bayda province, Hussein Aidarous Al-Humayqani, President Al-Mashat praised the deceased's role in resolving community issues and reconciliation, as well as his honorable stance in confronting the aggression, mercenaries , takfiri elements and mobilizing to support the fronts.

President Al-Mashat expressed sincere condolences and sympathy to the deceased's sons , the Humaican family in Al-Zahir district and all Al-Bayda tribes on this painful loss. He prayed to God Almighty to grant him mercy and forgiveness, and to grant his family and relatives patience and solace.